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Rethinking your team app experience to drive performance

PUBLISHED: July 2024
+ insights into what motivates young Hospitality staff to stay 

Positive work cultures and productivity are heavily interlinked. According to Sona’s 2024 Workforce Happiness Index, over a third of respondents are planning to leave the Hospitality sector within 12 months, which can cost 1000+ employee organisations £1.6m on average.

This report provides leadership teams with insights into the impact of employee apps on retention, productivity and work culture, and how to empower team members on every level of an organisation to drive revenue. 

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Executive summary

Employees consider feedback gathering and business metrics updates as key drivers for a positive culture and personal productivity; their preference is for these to be delivered together with their schedules via an all-in-one mobile app. 

“What stood out to me most was how motivating respondents found sharing business metrics and being informed of how their location is performing. This type of intrinsic motivation is a key marker of talent that needs to be retained - particularly the younger generation looking to start a career.

Organisations that can harness technology to empower these employees to perform their best and give managers the time and tools to support their teams are organisations that will grow long-term.”

Paul Watson, VP of Productivity