To procure and measure the impact of a technology…a technology that delivers one or more of the following outcomes:
There is a ‘not too scary’ expression of interest form to complete and email off.
- Expressions of interest must be received by Friday 26th May 2023 -
There must be three organisations coming together to make up every bid:
Here are just a few examples:
❌ No claiming costs for existing systems.
❌ No Digital Care Planning solutions (as there's a separate fund for that)
However, if you're currently piloting a technology, the fund can be used for the wider rollout.
e-rostering/scheduling falls under the first two qualification criteria - increasing safety and reduction in risk & a reduction in admissions to hospital.
Sona does this by:
Guided Innovation is our preferred evaluation partner. Get in touch with them here.
The Adult Social Care Technology Fund is completely separate to the funding available for digital care plans.
If you've applied for that grant funding, there is nothing stopping you from applying for
this funding as well. They're completely separate, and you can get them both.
It is not matched funding, so there is no risk to bidding.
Possibly the toughest part of bidding is going to be finding an ICS or ICB to put their name to it. It depends how responsive they are.
The expression of interest doesn't ask for a cost breakdown. Your evaluation partner should be a big help in getting the initial costs together. It just asks, how much will you
spend this year and how much next year.
So all you need to do is ask your technology supplier for a ballpark cost and add in the cost for the evaluation partner.
Reminder: at least 20% of the money you put on the form has to be spent with the evaluation partner.
Still have questions?